Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

How to Adopt A cat

Kittens are very cute and fluffy. Many people love cats, and some are allergic to them (mainly the cat dander). Here is how to adopt your whiskered friend from a neighbor or shelter. Do not adopt from pet stores, as most pet stores have unfavorable conditions and care for the animals badly. A cat from a pet store could be sick or have some other problem. Plus, there are so many homeless cats waiting to be adopted in shelters, and with limited time too. Many shelters have to euthanize their animals within a certain time period if they are not adopted. There is just not enough room for all of the homeless animals.

Ask yourself the following questions: "Do I want a cat?" "Am I or anyone in my home allergic to cats?" "Is a cat an okay pet for me?" and "Do I want a breed that isn't good with younger children?" "Do I have money to care for a cat?- consider food costs and possible vet bills. "Do I have time for a cat?" "Does the place where I am living allow cats?"-some apartments and places have rules or conditions for owning pets. "Are you willing to clean out the litter box at least once or twice a week?" "Are you a responsible person who is not too busy?"

Prepare your home for having a cat. Do some research on what your cat needs and what things might be hazards. Look up poisonous plants, and make sure that all soaps are out of reach, as soap is poisonous to felines. There should be no string or ribbon in reach of your cat. If your cat happens to eat a piece of string or ribbon, call a vet, as this can be unhealthy and cause problems.

Walk or drive to the place where you are getting your new cat.
  • The correct adoption age of a kitten is 12 weeks, which is long before most human babies can walk unassisted.
Once you arrive at the shelter, go to the place where they have the kittens and cats. It's a good idea to wash your hands before handling the kittens or cats in the shelter so that you don't spread disease to them. Be open-minded and find a cat that you feel will be a good fit for you and your family. Interact with the cats, picking them up, playing with them, and petting them. Each cat is different and has different personalities. If a cat is shy or sleepy at that moment it could just be that time of day or it may not be too used to humans. Don't try to force anything.

When you have chosen your kitten or cat, adopt it. Take it home, and set down the cat carrier that you should have gotten with the cat. Do not force the cat to come out. Instead, let it choose to come out and investigate on it's own. Give it space and time to adjust to this new environment. It is good to let it explore the house and figure out where it is.

Adopt a Kitten Step 5.jpg
Enjoy life with your new cat! Mark the calendar for the day you adopted him or her. You must have everything the kitten needs before you bring it home. Cat furniture, bed or blanket, food, grooming materials, toys etc.

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